Being a leader isn’t always easy, but the one thing we need now more than ever are leaders that lead consciously. 

Leadership starts with you. You need to do the work to become a Leader that you’re proud of.

I’m Michelle, Founder of Creating Conscious Leaders.

I’m a Libra Sun, Leo Moon and Scorpio Rising. If you don’t know what this means, don’t shy away, all will be revealed.

Previously a Lawyer and HR Director, I’ve combined my passion for astrology and ancient wisdom with my 20+ years experience leading teams, managing people and advising on commercial aspects of business. We need to create space for people to become better humans with greater awareness so they lead more consciously and leave their part of the world in a better place. 

This is my mission.

Work With Me

Trust your intuition. There are many ways we can work together. If you need a little help, reach out and we can have a chat.  I love getting to know more about who you are, what you or your team needs and then aligning what we do to what you need.

Leadership Astrology Chart Readings

Are you ready to take your self awareness to the next level? The most incredible insights about who you are will be revealed based on the positioning of key planets at the time you were born.

Executive Leadership Guidance

Conscious leaders need to have more conversations about responsibility and intention. It’s not for the faint hearted. It’s deep and get’s personal but I’m there to guide you all the way.

Choose Your Leadership Path

Unsure as to which path you should take? We’re happy to have a chat with you to find out where you’re at, your experience and guide you in the right direction.

Now is the time, this is the hour, ours is the magic, ours is the power.

An opportunity to develop greater awareness of self and others to be able to lead in a conscious, responsible way.

A conscious leader is someone who is not afraid to do the inner work because they know they and those around them will benefit from it.
Too often we see leaders, leading from a place of personal ego, desire or greed. It’s not ok. A leaders role is to make a difference for all the right reasons. To make responsible choices that leave the world in a better place for future generations.
Leadership starts with you. It’s an inner game. If you want to be a better versions of yourself on the outside you’ve got to do the work on the inside.


We all want to make a difference. Being a leader gives you that opportunity. 

I can’t wait to hear from you.

+61 401 609 873

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